Monday, August 24, 2009


Now that the kids are back at school, I get to go grocery shopping by myself again! Which means I also get to use coupons! I was pretty impress with my trip today, everything I bought I had a coupon for. I had manufacture coupons, downloaded coupons, printed coupons, and store coupons! It took me a about an hour to organize but it was worth it!

Total before coupons........$116.54
Total after coupons...........$40.16

Savings of.....................$76.38

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Braeden Matthew

Introducing my newest nephew, Braeden Matthew!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lilyanah and Liam

I finally got around to playing with my new camera. I've got a lot to learn! Here's few pics of my darling niece, Lilyanah, and nephew, Liam.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


UP WORDS (or UP YOURS is what Mark and I call it) is my new favorite game! We played it a ton while we were vacationing in Colorado a few months back and I got addicted. I searched every store when we got back but I couldn't find it. I found it at a garage sale today with all the pieces for a $1!!! Woohoo! Im so excited, and can't wait for Mark to get home so we can play!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Playing Outside

What beautiful weather we had this week! I think we skipped spring and went straight to summer. The kids got a lot of out door time this week. Here's just a few pictures.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Rylie and I decided to dress up Penny the other day in her Doggy Diva t-shirt and pink hair bows. We also painted her nails pink but you cant see it in the pictures. Rylie had a blast and thought it was the best thing. She laughed and laughed. Thankfully Penny cooperated.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cakes, Cookies, and more Cakes!

I just want to share last Friday's creations with everyone!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Simply Sweet's newest employee!

Does it matter that she's 5? Rylie had a great time working like Mommy creating masterpieces with play dough rather than fondant. She is now officially hired as a fondant (play dough) specialist. The best thing is she'll work for hugs and kisses!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

8 inches or more!

I had 8 inches or more cut of Rylie's hair today. Im a little sad because it makes her look so much older but it does look much healthier. It'll just take time to get use too.





Friday, February 27, 2009

Grand Lake; Day 7

We just spent more time sledding today waiting on the 8-12 inches of snow to fall tonight! The locals think it's no big deal, but I'm thinking where in the heck can they put that much more snow?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Grand Lake, Colorado; Day 6

We went sledding today!

So where is Grand Lake, Colorado? It is located Grand County, Colorado and is the western portal to Rocky Mountain National Park. Grand Lake is a very small town with the population of 477 according to the last Census. The the town has a total area of 0.9 square miles, not including the lake. So you basically can walk everywhere you go. Mark's Mom and Step Dad has owned a second home here for several years so we try and make time to come visit Grand Lake at least once a year.

Grand Lake, Colorado, Day 5

We hardly did anything at all today. We hung out and watched a bunch of movies and played board games. We drove through Rocky Mountain National park looking for a moose or elk. I made a contest out of and told the kids the first one to find a moose or elk would win. Rylie said "Mom, no one will win because elf's are real!" We were all laughing. It's amazing how kids think.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Grand Lake, Co Vacation; Day 4

It's been 12 years since I last went skiing and lets just say right now every single bone in my body aches. Every time I get up my knees pop and my hips hurt. I must be getting old because the kids are not complaining at all. Mark and I only had a few falls and stuck to the Green Runs except the one time we accidentally ended up on a Blue. Ryan and Rylie took ski school all day and had a blast. Ryan learned how to snowboard and was skiing on the Blue runs by the end of the day and was begging to go back tomorrow. Rylie did well on the bunny slope, but is still trying to figure out the reasoning behind French Fry skis and Pizza skis. Here's some pictures of our skiing adventure.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Grand Lake Vacation, Day 3

We went snowmobiling today! We traveled 43 miles through the most beautiful scenery. It was so pretty and the snow was falling. It took us about 3 hours. I loved it, and cant wait to do it again!
Mark and Rylie

Lori and Ryan

Watch the video to come a long on the ride!

The kids loved it too...but about 1/2 way through Rylie feel asleep and gave Mark the new challenge of driving with his passed out passenger. Ryan too fell asleep the last 30 minutes which made it really difficult to drive since he was sitting behind me. I kept worrying he'd fall off. We made it though, and want to do it again...maybe just not as long.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Grand Lake Vacation, Days 1-2

On our drive to Grand Lake, Colorado we got to see the awesome Wind Farms in western Kansas

The beautiful sunrise we awoke to this morning

We watched the local Dog Sled Races. I learned that you dont have to be a Husky to race. All dogs are welcomed. We saw Labs, German Shepards, even a Beagle!

The rest of the day was spent playing in the snow...lots of snow!

The building behind me is a garage. The snow is almost to the top of it!

Mark waist deep

Rylie on top of a snow mountain

Ryan freaked out about how deep he was...Dad came to the rescue.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Grease Lighting

Ryan has been practicing for months for his school music concert. I have never seen him so excited about a school performance. Finally, the night arrived, and he did awesome! I was so proud of him!

He is the one in the black leather jacket riding on the back of the car and singing the solo at the microphone.