UP WORDS (or UP YOURS is what Mark and I call it) is my new favorite game! We played it a ton while we were vacationing in Colorado a few months back and I got addicted. I searched every store when we got back but I couldn't find it. I found it at a garage sale today with all the pieces for a $1!!! Woohoo! Im so excited, and can't wait for Mark to get home so we can play!
What beautiful weather we had this week! I think we skipped spring and went straight to summer. The kids got a lot of out door time this week. Here's just a few pictures.
Rylie and I decided to dress up Penny the other day in her Doggy Diva t-shirt and pink hair bows. We also painted her nails pink but you cant see it in the pictures. Rylie had a blast and thought it was the best thing. She laughed and laughed. Thankfully Penny cooperated.